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Clearly, I'm the real deal.不用我吹,你应该知道我很牛


视频加载中...Carlos: "What's he doing here?"你干嘛带他来这儿?David: "I have a pitch for you. I want to explain to


Carlos: "What's he doing here?"


David: "I have a pitch for you. I want to explain to you why it's in your best interest to allow me to represent you."


Gabrielle: "Oh for Pete's sake, Carlos. At least listen to the man."


Carlos: "I guess it beats sitting in my cell."


David: "Now, I don't think you have a problem with me as a lawyer. Clearly, I'm the real deal. I sense your problem with me is more personal."


Carlos: "You sense right."


David: "You want to know if I'm interested in sleeping with your wife. Well, the answer is yes."


Gabrielle: "He, Carlos, he's kidding. Tell him you're kidding."


Carlos: "Shut it."


David: "And clearly Gabrielle is willful, self-centered, and manipulative. She's also beautiful enough to be worth the trouble. So, the minute we leave this room I'm gonna aggressively pursue her. And when I succeed, which I will, we are gonna fly to my chateau in Chamany and have dinner in a local bistro. They make the best rack of lamb in all of Europe.We'll make love by the fire and afterwards a little midnight skiing." (to Gabrielle) "You ski, don't you? You're athletic, you'll learn." (to Carlos) "Anyway. All of this only happens if you fire me. If you keep me on, you're wife's off limits. I'd get disbarred for sleeping with a client's wife and nobody's worth that, not even her. That's my pitch. I'll let you think about it."


Gabrielle: "Honey. I am so sorry. Honestly, that guy's insane!"


Carlos: "Oh, you just can't wait, can you?"


Gabrielle: "What?"什么?

Carlos: "He's my lawyer."


Gabrielle: "But, Carlos-"克斯卡洛斯

Carlos: "And that's all there is to it."


  • I have a pitch for you.我想给你提个建议
  • pitch n. 推销,说教,宣传
  • I want to explain to you why it's in your best interest to allow me to represent you."
  • it's in your best interest to do这样做对你最有利
  • It形式主语,to do 真正的主语
  • interest 利益,好处
  • I guess it beats sitting in my cell.
  • beat v.战胜,打败,赢 cell 单人牢房
  • 卡洛斯本来不想跟这律师说,但又觉得听律师说话总比坐在牢房里强吧。
  • I'm the real deal.
  • real deal 正品,上品,真正的交易 这里指律师当然是指律师执业能力强。
  • And clearly Gabrielle is willful, self-centered, and manipulative.
  • willful [ˈwɪlfl]adj.有意的;任性的;故意的
  • self-centered [self ˈsɛntərd]adj.以自我为中心的; 唯我独尊;
  • manipulative[məˈnɪpjəˌletɪv] a.操作的,操纵的,控制的
  • She's also beautiful enough to be worth the trouble.
  • be worth值得的
  • aggressively 积极地 purse: 追求
  • chateau: 城堡 local: 当地的 bistro: 小酒吧,小餐馆
  • rack of lamb 小羊肋骨肉
  • You're athletic, you'll learn.
  • athletic 运动员的
  • If you keep me on, you're wife's off limits.
  • keep on继续 off limit 禁止进入; 被禁止;
  • disbar v. 取消律师资格
  • bar the bar 律师界
  • insane: 疯狂的,精神失常的
  • can't wait to do 迫不及待做某事
  • And that's all there is to it. 固定用法
  • 不用再说了,就这么定了。
Clearly, I'm the real deal.不用我吹,你应该知道我很牛

  • Carlos: "What's he doing here?"
  • David: "I have a pitch for you. I want to explain to you why it's in your best interest to allow me to represent you."
  • Gabrielle: "Oh for Pete's sake, Carlos. At least listen to the man."
  • Carlos: "I guess it beats sitting in my cell."
  • David: "Now, I don't think you have a problem with me as a lawyer. Clearly, I'm the real deal. I sense your problem with me is more personal."
  • Carlos: "You sense right."
  • David: "You want to know if I'm interested in sleeping with your wife. Well, the answer is yes."
  • (Gabrielle laughs loud and nervously.)
  • Gabrielle: "Carlos, he's kidding. Tell him you're kidding."
  • Carlos: "Shut it."
  • David: "And clearly Gabrielle is willful, self-centered, and manipulative. She's also beautiful enough to be worth the trouble. So, the minute we leave this room I'm gonna aggressively pursue her. And when I succeed, which I will, we are gonna fly to my chateau in Chamany and have dinner in a local bistro. They make the best rack of lamb in all of Europe. We'll make love by the fire and afterwards a little midnight skiing." (to Gabrielle) "You ski, don't you? You're athletic, you'll learn." (to Carlos) "Anyway. All of this only happens if you fire me. If you keep me on, you're wife's off limits. I'd get disbarred for sleeping with a client's wife and nobody's worth that, not even her. That's my pitch. I'll let you think about it."
  • Gabrielle: "Honey. I am so sorry. Honestly, that guy's insane!"
  • Carlos: "Oh, you just can't wait, can you?"
  • Gabrielle: "What?"
  • Carlos: "He's my lawyer."
  • Gabrielle: "But, Carlos-"
  • Carlos: "And that's all there is to it."
大卫: 很明显,加布丽尔是个任性妄为、自私自利并诡计多端的女人,但她美若天仙,使得其他一切都无关紧要了。因此,一旦我们走出这个房间,我就会火力全开地追求她,而我势在必得,追到她以后,我们会飞到我在夏蒙尼的城堡,在当地的一家小酒馆共进晚餐,那家的小羊肋骨肉在欧洲无敌了。。接着我们要在炉火边上云雨一番,然后在午夜十分一起滑雪。你会滑雪,对吧?你有运动细胞,不会也可以学,总之,一旦你解雇我,综上所述就会变成现实,如果你继续聘用我的话你太太就成了禁果。因为我要是和客户的妻子有染,就会被吊销律师执照的,没人值得我那么去做,即使是她。以上就是我的建议,你好好考虑一下吧。
加布丽尔:但是 卡洛斯